
Certified Training
Welcome to the Australian Lubricant Association’s Training Hub – a learning platform teeming with specialised courses. Already live, we offer our members an annual subscription at a special rate of $100, while non-members can gain access for $200 p.a. This subscription unlocks all current and future courses. Each course concludes with a quiz, and upon successful completion, you’ll receive a certificate. To start enriching your professional knowledge, follow the link below and step into our Training Hub.

Verification Request Process
A major role of the Australian Lubricant Association (ALA) is to make sure that lubricants are “fit for purpose”, this is achieved through the Verification Request process. A Verification Request Form (VRF) is raised for any lubricant that an organisation or individual may have a question about. A separate VRF needs to be completed for each product that is to be investigated.
The VRF is forwarded to the Verification Team (VT) email address. The VT consists of a member of the Board and the Technical Committee that are not affiliated with any lubricant company. This is to make sure that there is no bias in the investigation.
An internal VRF is prepared all information is removed about the organisation or individual that has raised the VRF (known as the requestor) and information which identifies the lubricant company (the manufacturer/supplier information) that is being investigated. This “Sanitised” VRF is reviewed by the Technical Committee (TC). The TC review and suggest the action to be taken. The VT inform the requestor of the action that is to be taken.
The VT contact the manufacturer/supplier to notify them of the issue and the action required to address the issue(s) identified. If the Supplier/Manufacturer refuses to respond, the matter may be referred to the ACCC and the Suppliers name and product name publicised. This is the last resort; the intention of the ALA is to provide technical support to organisations to assist them to address issues, rather than pursue punitive measures.